
These are top 5 some interesting facts of the world, about which you hardly know!

October 02, 2021

We all know very well how mysterious this world is.  Everyone wants to know about all kinds of different things in their life and believe them by seeing with their own eyes.  But alas the world is so big that no human being can see the whole world in his life.  In such a situation, today we will tell you about many such interesting facts related to this mysterious world, knowing about which you will be surprised.

This world made by nature is as beautiful as it is mysterious and interesting too. You must have heard about many such interesting facts related to this world, which surprise people. In this episode, today we are going to tell you about many such interesting facts, after knowing which you will probably think many times before believing in it.

1. Namibia West Coast

There is a place in the world where sea and desert meet together. This place is on the West Coast of Namibia. Let us tell you that this is the oldest desert in the world, which is more than 50 million years old. The special thing is that the sand dunes seen here are the largest in the world.

About Namibia West Coast :

Namibia has nearly a thousand miles of coastline, shaped by the winds and largely unpopulated, where the Namib Desert meets the Atlantic Ocean.
From the Skeleton Coast in the north to the Orange River in the south, Namibia has nearly a thousand miles of coastline. For much of that distance, the windblown dunes of the Namib Desert reach right to the pounding surf of the Atlantic Ocean, leaving a stark yet beautiful landscape. Shaped by the winds and largely unpopulated, Namibia’s coastal area is home to only a handful of towns and villages. Shipwrecks lie in place for decades, slowly reclaimed by the sea or the desert. In places, fur seals gather in huge numbers, mostly free from harassment. Collected here, a look at Namibia’s picturesque shores and dunes, its wildlife, and some remaining evidence of its time as a German colony.

2.The yellow-footed green pigeon ( Hariyal )

You will be surprised to know that Hariyal, the state bird of Maharashtra state of India, is such a bird, which never sets its foot on the earth.  These birds prefer forests with tall trees.  They often build their nests on Peepal and Banyan trees.  Most of the Harial birds are found in flocks.
About Hariyal :
The color of this bird is mixed with ash gray and green color, which has beautiful yellow stripes.  They have a bright yellow color.  The beak is thick and strong.  The eyes are blue.  There is a pink circle around the eyes.  The legs and feet are yellow, the tail is grey.
For your information, let us tell you that this bird is the state bird of Maharashtra state and apart from India. It is also found in countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma, China etc. This bird is a social bird. Because of which this bird likes to live in a herd i.e. in a group like humans.

3.Renewable water resources In Brazil

We all are aware of the scarcity of drinking water around the world. But do you know that there is a country in the world which has the most potable water. The name of that country is Brazil. Brazil has the most renewable water resources, totaling 8,233 cubic kilometers.

4. The Umangot River

Umangot River flowing in Mawlynnang village of Meghalaya, called India's cleanest river. For your information, let us tell you that there is a fine of up to 5000 rupees for throwing garbage in this river.
About Umangot River
The Umangot river of Meghalaya is said to be the cleanest river in the country.  ... This beautiful river flows in the Dawki town of East Jaintia Hills district, located near the Indo-Bangladesh border, 95 km from Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya.  The people of the Khasi tribal communities living in this area clean this river every day. A tourist from Kolkata visiting the place said, "I just love Shillong, I have visited been here before but it is my first time here (at Umngot river). It is an amazing place and I must say everyone should visit at least once. The view is so amazing that everybody is going to like it. It is even more amazing during winter season." "I feel amazing here as it feels we are so close to nature and everything is so nature friendly it feels we are so close to nature's paradise."


Chess is one of the most brain training games in the world. Chess was invented in India. Psychologists say that playing chess improves the intellectual ability of the brain and increases the power to solve complex questions. You will be surprised to know that the second book published in English language in the world was about chess.Chess, the game of kings (and queens!), is synonymous with strategy, discipline and skill. Played by millions of people around the world from every walk of life, chess is a fascinating topic. Chess has evolved throughout history with the rules of gameplay becoming standardized in the 19th century as chess tournaments began. The 20th century revolutionized the game with the invention of chess databases and chess engines. 
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